With more than 20 years’ experience and accumulated knowledge, Green Interior Group developed and generated products that meet the strict requirements in the field of fire safety, quality, production and management standard. Our intensive pursuit in research and development results in the latest technology and methodology being implemented in our products. This ensures a high standard in our products and productivity.
Embracing the company mottoes are SUBSTAINAILITY and TRUSTED PARTNER, our commitment to the environment is evident in the design strategies of our products which are Eco-friendly and minizes harm to the natural environment during production. As a member of the GREEN LABEL Scheme, our products are backed by extensive test evidence and in addition, we submit our products for independent performance verification, wherever a suitable scheme exists.
From our Taiwan International Sales office, with support of production units in Malaysia, Taiwan and China, we manufacture and distribute our products. We have comprehensive fire safety, acoustic, sustainability solution for Developer, Architect, Designer, Contractor and Consumers.
Ask your panel of specialists to assist you choose the right fire doors, fire board and adhesives.
Know more about our relentless effort in safeguarding the environment for a better tomorrow.
Improve fire safety in your home and workplace
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